I’m too busy I don’t have enough time

This is one of the most common excuses that we hear in this industry.
People feel that they don’t have enough time in the day to go for their dreams and goals.

That is really crazy if you think about it.
Because there is no way that every second of your day is occupied to the point that you can’t squeeze out at least an hour a day to go for yours.
I met a young lady in Starbucks recently that said she works two jobs. She works in the hospital which is her main job
and to supplement her income she works Part time at Starbucks.
She also said that she carves out about an hour and a half daily to work on her advertising business she started about a year ago.
Just think the I don’t have enough time excuse stops so many people from having the freedoms that they always wanted.
While others find the time to work their full time job as well as do something part time and also finds an hour a day to build her own business.
She also said that this will be her last week at Starbucks because after a year of pounding it out.
Her little hour and a half business is starting to show signs of success.
What a lesson on time management huh?
You can do the same if you have the hunger to make it happen.
Take a look and see how others are disregarding
the I don’t have time excuse.

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