Market With Ronnie My Sun, 08 Sep 2024 22:45:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230814946 Number One Reason Why Network Marketing Is So Great Sun, 08 Sep 2024 22:45:24 +0000 One reason why network marketing is such a great industry is because

it not only gives you an opportunity to make insane amounts of money

if you work it correctly.



But the main reason why I say this is because it gives you the opportunity

to help others make insane amounts of money as well!

There is no other industry that does this.

Mostly everything else is about making someone else rich while you

slave for pennies on the dollar.

So for that reason alone you should get off the fence and make the

decision to make this thing happen for you and your family.

Help yourself and while you’re doing that you are also helping

others do the same.

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I Want To Make Extra Money Tue, 03 Sep 2024 16:24:36 +0000 Do you realize how popular that statement is.

That is a statement that so many people dream of.

They say that if a person can just makes an extra $300 per month

that will save so many from financial ruin.


Just think an extra $300 can go a long way. It can save a

foreclosure, a marriage. It can put an extra few weeks of food on the

table for your family.

It really doesn’t seem like a large sum of money but it’s capable of

saving people in more ways than one.

You personally how many times have you said I would like to earn extra


Hopefully you have started, but if you are like so many others you

just haven’t made the commitment yet.

What are you waiting for?

Take a look here and see how so many have said they wanted to and actually did.


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What Hat Are You Wearing Today Sun, 01 Sep 2024 14:40:08 +0000 Just think..

Life is all hats..

Yes the hat you are wearing at the moment.

When I say hat I don’t mean an actual hat on you head.

I mean the responsibility hat. The role you are currently

playing different parts of the day.


See some parts of the day you are wearing the Dad hat.

Sometimes you are wearing the Mom hat.

Another part of the day you may be wearing the employee hat.

Though out the day we have different roles that we play.

The key to these different roles is Balance!

You have to know when to put each hat on according to

the role you need to play at that moment.

There is a hat that you need to pick up if you haven’t


That is the entrepreneurial hat!

So many of us keep telling ourselves that we want to

start a business for ourselves and never get around to

getting it going.

Make this the day you finally make it happen.

Take a look at how others are doing just that.

Try this hat on for size and make your dream a reality.

Ronnie Green

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People Are Always Looking At What You Are Doing Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:20:30 +0000 No matter how much we think we are moving in the dark. No matter how much we believe everybody is minding their own business they’re not.

I remember a few months ago I was taking out an old piece of
furniture that I didn’t want any more. When I took it out there
was no one around. I thought no one was paying attention.
A few days later a neighbor saw me out and said
“I saw you taking out that dresser the other morning”.
I said yeah it was old and I was putting it out.
Just when you think no one is looking! They are!
Just like  when you say you are going to start a new business the
people you tell are always looking to see what you’re up to.
Whether it’s a negative critique or a positive one.
People are looking to see if you are going to make it happen
or are you going to talk a good one and not take the actions
necessary to succeed. It happens to us all. We want to do
something and become successful but our actions are not
putting out the same effort.
So if you have not mustard up the effort to make it happen
for yourself even though you’ve told people you were going to.
Just know that they are looking to see if you are going to
keep your word not only to them but to yourself.
Take a look here it may be the motivation you need to get it going.
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I’m too busy I don’t have enough time Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:42:25 +0000 This is one of the most common excuses that we hear in this industry.
People feel that they don’t have enough time in the day to go for their dreams and goals.

That is really crazy if you think about it.
Because there is no way that every second of your day is occupied to the point that you can’t squeeze out at least an hour a day to go for yours.
I met a young lady in Starbucks recently that said she works two jobs. She works in the hospital which is her main job
and to supplement her income she works Part time at Starbucks.
She also said that she carves out about an hour and a half daily to work on her advertising business she started about a year ago.
Just think the I don’t have enough time excuse stops so many people from having the freedoms that they always wanted.
While others find the time to work their full time job as well as do something part time and also finds an hour a day to build her own business.
She also said that this will be her last week at Starbucks because after a year of pounding it out.
Her little hour and a half business is starting to show signs of success.
What a lesson on time management huh?
You can do the same if you have the hunger to make it happen.
Take a look and see how others are disregarding
the I don’t have time excuse.
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Don’t Be Scared Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:29:28 +0000 I’m just coming in from work.

While I was out I heard a report that sales is one of the most lucrative industries in the world.

Yes you heard it right if you are a sales person you have the ability to become one of the

the highest paid people on earth.

I know it sounds crazy!

But it’s true. The income that a sales person can make is really unreal compared

to someone that works a traditional 9 to 5.

But there’s one thing that holds so many people back and turns them off from this


That’s rejection!

Can you believe it?

A two letter word has the ability to keep tens of thousands of people

away from one of the highest paid industries in the world.

I see and hear about it all the time.

Someone comes into this industry and gets started and one little NO. Scares them off!

My advice to you is to not let rejection knock you out the game.

Find out what you are interested in even if it’s part-time and get into the game.

Who knows you may become one of the highest paid people you know.

Stay tuned in to what I have going on and you just may find that thing for you!

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Use These 3 Points to Take Your MLM Business to the Next Level Sat, 01 Jun 2024 21:38:04 +0000 Hello everyone, Ronnie Green here, and today I’m thrilled to share some invaluable insights that can really accelerate the growth of your network marketing or affiliate marketing business. Whether you operate predominantly online or offline, the strategies I have compiled will forge a path toward greater success.

Unveiling the Blueprint for Success

In the realm of network marketing, advancing to the next level isn’t just desirable—it’s crucial. To help you achieve this, I’ve pinpointed three pivotal points that are simple yet profound in their potential impact.

1. Develop a Robust Daily Method of Operation (DMO)
The cornerstone of any successful network marketing business is consistency. This is where a well-structured Daily Method of Operation (DMO) comes into play. Your DMO acts as your daily business compass, encompassing all the critical actions you need to execute daily to drive your business forward.

“A DMO is essentially a daily business plan—follow it, and you’ll find navigating your business activities becomes markedly smoother.”

By adhering to a structured plan, you can avoid the common pitfall of haphazardly bouncing between tasks—something that often leads to reduced productivity and heightened frustration.

2. Foster a Healthy and Engaging Team Culture
The heart of network marketing lies in the people—specifically, your team. Cultivating a tight-knit, supportive community within your downline builds not only camaraderie but also drives collective motivation.
Harness the Power of Regular Training and Team Bonding Events

Regular training sessions and team events are not just fun; they’re strategic. They help reinforce team skills, enhance bonding, and solidify the sense of community, all of which are essential for sustained growth and resilience.

“The more your team interacts and connects, the stronger the bonds—transforming your business into a cohesive and formidable entity.”

3. Champion and Cultivate Leadership Within
A thriving team is one where leadership is not confined to the top ranks. Encouraging emerging leaders within your team not only helps in reducing the burden on you but also promotes a culture of accountability and empowerment.
Look for Potential Leaders

Always be on the lookout for individuals who show initiative—those willing to lead a presentation or set new goals for the team. These are your future leaders, the ones who will champion the group’s vision and inspire others.

“Every member who steps up is a potential pillar of strength for your business—nurture these individuals into leadership roles.”

Beyond the Basics: Securing Your Success

Implementing these three crucial points will undoubtedly elevate your business, but remember, the journey to the top is continuous. Keep striving for improvement, stay connected with your team, and keep your leadership pipeline healthy and active.

And, if you’re eager to further your knowledge, don’t hesitate to reach out via social media or click on the links provided.

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Network Marketing Tip #1 Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:15:12 +0000 Network Marketing Tip

If you truly believe in your business and the products and services that you sell
you should never fear recruiting!

You probably choose this industry because you
were introduced to a great product or service.

You took a look and saw that the product was something that helped
you and you knew that people that you knew would be just as interested because

of the benefit you received from trying the product.

I’m sure you’ll get a great benefit from this as well.

Take a look at what we are doing below.


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Hello world! Sat, 25 Mar 2023 03:07:45 +0000 Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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